Thursday 28 September 2017

Problem Solvers in Reception

One activity this week in our outdoor environment has been the painting of a large branch. The children have been doing a great job of working collaboratively to achieve this and have had lots of lovely discussions while involved. They were finding it tricky to reach the top of the branch and this encouraged some lovely problem solving! The children discussed the resources outside that could help them and eventually decided the stepping stones would be a useful and safe way of solving the problem. What great thinking skills!

Thursday 21 September 2017

Listening games in Reception

Take a look at our hard working bunnies using their listening ears this week in Phonics. We have been   guessing the animals hiding in the box just by listening to the noise they make, we have chosen the right musical instrument by following their sound and used our big listening ears on a walk outside.

Rain in Reception

We have had a great few weeks settling into school life in Reception. The children started full time this week and today we had our first rainy day! We really made the most of it by exploring how the texture of our mud had changed and how we could move down the slide as the water made it super slippy and fun! We are looking forward to the next couple of weeks where we will continue to investigate our new environment.

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Year 6 e-safety week - Stop, Think, Act!

Last week was e-safety week and Year 6 quickly set to work thinking about problems that could arise on the Internet and what we could do to sort them out. Check out our videos - can you identify the problem and the solution?

Think about what problem is shown here. What could the solution be?

Monday 18 September 2017

Green Council going for the Global Goals

Today was the first meeting of our school Green Council.
We watched this video about the Global Goals

The Global Goals link with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
We can all work towards helping everyone achieve those rights.
We then thought about which Global Goals we could try to work towards in our school. We voted for these priorities:

  1. Save electricity (GG7, 13)
  2. Improving playtimes (GG 3, 4, 5, 10, 16, 17)
  3. Looking after our equipment (GG 9, 10, 11, 12, 16)

Here we all are, hard at work thinking about the coming year.
Do you know which Rights these priorities link to? 
Can you see the Bright Ideas box, ready for your ideas?

Stretching ourselves in 6D - in more ways than one!

Last week, the whole school took part in Joe Wicks' live school workouts. On Friday, Year 6 tackled some (rather difficult!) exercises such as squats, lunges, mountain climbs and press ups. We had great fun but had some rather achy muscles afterwards! A great brain break and it helped us to think about our heart rate and our circulatory systems as part of our Science topic.

Sunday 17 September 2017

1S E-safety Week

This week the children were also learning how to keep themselves safe when going on-line both in school and at home. We discovered that when going online  we should not give out any important information such as which school we go to, our names, our address or our passwords.

More importantly if anything doesn't "feel right" we should tell an adult we trust and follow the rule:-

Lock it, Block it, Show it, Tell it.

The children designed their own posters to help remind themselves what to do.