Wednesday 4 February 2015

Exploring the Different Details of Digestion in Year 4

In science we've been exploring the digestive system in humans and animals as well as looking at how different animals have different teeth to accommodate their diet. 

It was especially interesting exploring how our digestive system works. To really grasp the process we did a demonstration in class using a few household items.
First we mashed up some sugar puffs in a bowl with some water which represented our food being chewed in our mouths.  Next the food was swallowed and traveled down the oesophagus (a paper tube) to the stomach (a zip lock baggie) where it was mashed up further with some bile (soda).  Once our food was all mashed it was ready for the intestines (tights).  As the food traveled down the intestines we were able to see how the nutrients were able to be absorbed by our body.  Finally, after their long journey through our 'body' and to everyone's disgusted delight, the leftovers were discarded in the bin. 

This led into a study of herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. We learned about how some animals only eat plants (herbivores) or meat (carnivores), and that some animals eat both (omnivores).  With this knowledge we took a close look at how some animals' teeth are designed, discovering why some animals have vary large canines, while others have prominent incisors and molars.  Then of course we had some fun applying these new found facts by making our own models of different animals' teeth with modelling clay. 

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