Sunday, 7 February 2016

Jamaican art

This term in Geography, we have been learning about Kingston in Jamaica. We were interested to learn about Jamaica because it is where Mary Seacole came from and we have been learning lots about her for our Nurturing Nurses topic! We have compared Jamaica to our local area and found similarities and differences between Kingston and Southampton.

One of the things we looked at was the Jamaican flag. We found quite a few similarities between the Jamaican flag and the Union Jack, like the triangles and the diagonal lines. There are also differences, like the colours!

For art this week, we made our own Jamaican flags in groups. We used lots of different materials like paper, fabric, tissue paper and some rubbery, stretchy material. It was lots of fun and we our work came out looking beautiful... and we tidied up the mess pretty well too! :)

Have a look at our "work in progress" and the finished products!

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